Jack Mahoney, Coil Annealing product manager for SECO/WARWICK Corp., is hosting a webinar on Thursday, June 28th, entitled “Aluminum Coil Annealing: Swirling Air = Higher Profits.” This 30-40 minute webinar will focus on how present the case for why swirling air can lead to higher profits, and will be followed by a Q&A session.
Description: “When it comes to aluminum coil annealing, faster heat transfer equals increased process efficiently (up to 40%) and higher profits. SECO/WARWICK is a leading supplier of aluminum coil annealing furnaces and is a technology leader in the field with their Vortex® jet airflow coil annealing technology. As a vast improvement over mass airflow concepts, the jet airflow Vortex technology utilizes high velocity airflow to help speed the annealing process while minimizing hot spots on the coil, coil edge binding due to overheating, and minimizes oil burn marks. The company also claims a more rapid cooling technology via its proprietary bypass cooler technology. All of these things will be discussed in the June 28th webinar.”
Date: Thursday, June 28th at 2:00 pm EDT (New York, USA)
For more information, contact Jack Mahoney at jack.mahoney@secowarwick.com.
Edited on 6/14: In the original version of this post, Keith Boeckenhauer was listed as the speaker. However, the speaker has since been changed to Jack Mahoney.