Light Metal Age is pleased to announce that we will be exhibiting at TMS 2018, which will be held on March 11-15 at the Phoenix Convention Center in Phoenix, Arizona.
The exhibition will be open from March 12-14, providing a gathering place for scientists and engineers to meet with leading companies in the minerals, metals, and materials fields.
Light Metal Age welcomes visitors to Booth #303 to receive complimentary copies of our February 2018 issue, which features articles on the worldwide primary aluminum industry, with a special focus on energy efficiency, as well as a look at Hydro’s Karmøy Technology Pilot with world-leading cell technology, a regional spotlight on the Indian aluminum industry, and how to minimize the carbon footprint from aluminum smelters.
Additional articles address defects affecting extrusion, a look at the new sustainability standards from the Aluminium Stewardship Initiative (ASI), and additive manufacturing of aluminum alloys.
TMS 2018 will connect minerals, metals, and materials scientists and engineers who work in industry, academia, and government positions around the world. The event will draw more than 4,000 attendees and feature four full days of technical programming, 85 symposia, two poster sessions, numerous networking opportunities, and a dynamic exhibition hall. Exhibit with us and connect with global leaders and decision-makers.