Shawinigan Aluminium

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  • Employees in orange vests stand in front of baled aluminum scrap.

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    Rio Tinto Expands Its Sustainability Strategy with New Recycling Capabilities

    Rio Tinto is a global, vertically integrated aluminum manufacturer, with bauxite mines, alumina refineries, and smelters, enabling the company to manage the entire value chain and ensure the efficient production of its aluminum products. Sustainability is a key aspect of Rio Tinto’s strategy, and the company has committed to reducing its greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions […]

  • Rio Tinto - billet recycled aluminum

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    Shawinigan Aluminium Invests in New Recycling Center

    Shawinigan Aluminium Inc. (SAI) is currently investing US$7 million to build a new aluminum recycling center adjacent to its billet casthouse in Quebec, Canada. The closed-loop operation will recycle clean process scrap from Rio Tinto and other aluminum manufacturers in order to meet customer demand for products made with recycled aluminum. SAI’s new remelt plant will be […]