The Institute of Scrap Recycling Industries (ISRI) has released an educational video entitled The Shredder Story: A Revolution in Recycling. “Scrap recycling is the first link in the manufacturing supply chain providing 130 million net tons of feedstock for manufacturers, steel mills, foundries, and refiners around the world each year,” said ISRI president Robin Wiener. “Today’s shredder is one of the industry’s most important tools, allowing our industry to lead the way in the conservation of natural resources, the reduction of energy consumption and the prevention of valuable materials from entering the waste stream.”
Highlights from the video include:
Efficient and environmentally-responsible recycling has been the key to conserving our natural resources and energy. One of the critical engines for effective recycling on a massive scale is today’s modern shredder, a technological wonder that can process up to 300-400 tons of scrap metal an hour separating component materials that are used as melt feedstock for new steel and metals that are then used by manufacturers in the production of new products.
Changing the face of the industrial economy, the shredder is an innovation not unlike the printing press, the internal combustion engine, or the personal computer that has revolutionized the recycling industry, and along with it the steel manufacturing and foundry industries.