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February 2004


The striking image of extrusions reaching towards the sky captures the expansive spirit of exuberance as extruders prepare for Extrusion Technology 2004, May 18-21 in Orlando, Florida. (Courtesy of Hydro Aluminum North America.)


ET’04 Technology Tracks: Perspectives from the Track Chairs
By Joseph C. Benedyk
Page 6

Introduction to ET’04
Page 10

Abstracts of Papers Submitted for Presentation at ET’04
Page 12

ET 2004 Exhibitor Profiles
Page 38

Extractive Metallurgy of Primary Titanium
By Marco V. Ginatta, GTT s.r.l.
Page 48

19th Annual ITA Conference Review
By F. H. “Sam” Froes
Page 52

12th Annual Int’l Anodizing Conference and Expo
Page 55

Arabal 2004
Page 61

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